March 2024 Art

SIGNALIS fanart + 1 Paradise Killer fanart

Signalis fanart

A Signalis fancomic depicting Ariane and Elster. The first panel is a view of Ariane's back. She is wearing her white dress and the right strap of the dress has slid down. It is highlighted by a white square, as items are in the game when Elster can interact with them.

The second panel is the front view of Ariane and Elster, who is standing behind her. Ariane is yawning and saying "Elster, you talked in your sleep". There are hickies on her neck and chest. Elster is staring at her dress strap and blushing.
Signalis fanart of Elster and Ariane having a nap in each other's arms. Ariane is hugging Elster and her head is on Elster's chest. The background is a purple color fill and color palette is mostly blue and violet, with red accents in bright saturated tones.
Signalis fanart of Elster and Ariane. Elster is an android with short blue hair and Ariane is a woman with short white hair and a white dress. Elster's left hand is gently touching the back of Ariane's neck as she is kissing Ariane's head. Her eyes are closed. Ariane's face is not visible since she is facing towards Elster but her left hand is entwined with Elster's right hand.
SIGNALIS fanart of Elster and Ariane wearing suits. Elster is an android with short dark blue hair and she is wearing a black suit with a red shirt and a black tie. Ariane is a woman with short white hair and she is wearing a white suit with a black shirt and red tie. Ariane is hugging Elster's arm and they are both looking at each other, smiling. The background is a bright pink color.


Signalis fanart of Elster and Ariane in bed. Arine is propped up by pillows and reading a book while Elster is facing away from her and cuddling a pillow, already asleep.

And finally, something different. I felt like drawing some Paradise Killer yuri because the designs in the game are really cool.

Fanart of Paradise Killer depicting Lady Love Dies and Crimson Acid. Both of them are women. Lady Love Dies is smiling and leaning over Crimson Acid with one hand placed on Crimson's neck and her other hand is holding a gun. She is wearing a red coat with gold highlights, a red skirt and a black shirt. Crimson is holding a fancy drink in one hand while leaning on her other hand for support. She has a goat head and a human body and she's wearing a bright pink suit like outfit with a revealing cleavage.

A meme image featuring Sunny with cat ears and a tail wearing a pink t-shirt. The text reads “Yuri? In MY inbox? It’s more likely than you think.” The yellow button reads “Free Mewsletter!”

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