Comics of Interest v2 Download

Download Comics of Interest v2 PDF

Here is the updated PDF version of Comics of Interest. It contains all the pages that were in the original version and then all the additional Shoot comics I’ve drawn after I published the first version, so all together it’s now 124 pages!

The PDF is 80 MB.

Note: If the download doesn’t start, right click on the download button and choose “Save link as…”.

You can also read all of my Shoot comics on my website if you prefer to read it on mobile.

6 replies on “Comics of Interest v2 Download”

This was very entertaining. I watched the show this parodies every for its entire run. I loved Root and Shaw together. They made for a great couple. This comic does that relationship justice.

Yooooo I just started watching POI and Root x Shaw is my end game. I love them so much. I have aphantasia so I can’t really picture or imagine things that are non-canon. These comics give me life! Thank you so much for your work <3 its magnificent!

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